Clubs and Affiliates

Affiliation of the Lymington Community Centre allows local organisations and clubs to work closely with the Community Centre to promote topics of concern, socialising and educational purposes.

Being an affiliated group allows the organisations and clubs to be promoted using the Associations services including on the Community Centre noticeboard in the main corridor, in the monthly centre newsletter and also in the clubs and affiliate leaflet which is published quarterly.

In addition, Affilated groups benefit from reduced Room Hire Rates here at the Community Centre. 

Please browse through the listings below submitted by the Affiliated Group. 

Book Binders Club

Our group has been meeting at LCA since about 1968, when it was started by Kathleen Powell who attended a course at Bournemouth College of Art, and passed on what she has learned each week to members of the group. We now meet twice monthly ( expect August) on Tuesdays 2-4pm. An excellent range of equipment ensures we are able to make good progress with both repairs, and making new items from scratch, with,  eventually, great satisfaction. We admit to occasional help—we all help each other and share our skills. Contact Mary Herbert c/o Lymington Community Centre.

Friday Friends

Friends who come together to paint on a Friday afternoon.

Inner Wheel Club of Lymington

Inner Wheel is one of the largest voluntary women’s service organisations in the world, and the Inner Wheel Club of Lymington was formed in 1949.  Our purpose is to promote friendship, encourage personal service and foster international understanding. We have a monthly dinner meeting with a speaker at Lymington Community Centre, plus a monthly business meeting and informal coffee morning. We collect items for home and overseas charities especially in times of need for disasters and raise money for a variety of local, national and international charities.   Recently we have supported New Forest Parkinsons, Oakhaven Hospice, the Air Ambulance, Stop Domestic Abuse and The Bookbus to name a few. For further information please contact Alisson Smith—Tel: 01590 380327.

Knit and Natter Group

Please come and join our Knit and Natter Group at the Lymington Community Centre. Any other handicraft welcome Crochet, Embroidery, Macramé. Come and join a lovely group and socialise with like minded people whilst enjoying your chosen craft. The sessions take place on Thursday afternoons 2:30 pm- 4:30 pm in the Malt Cafe at The Lymington Centre.  Everyone welcome, No charge, just turn up. 

Lymington Arts Group

Lymington Arts Group is a friendly, supportive group of like minded people who enjoy the art of painting and drawing etc. New Members and guests of all abilities are welcome to join us at our meetings on the 2nd Friday of each month at 2:30pm in the Gates Hall, Lymington Community Centre where professional artists inspire us to improve, try out new mediums and primarily have fun. We look forward to meeting you.

Lymington Bowling Club

Lymington Bowling Club is a friendly, not for profit organisation for all ages. We provide outdoor bowling during the season for beginners, families and league players, plus short mat bowling in the winter months and a calendar of social activities. There is ramp access to the club house and bowling green and a disabled toilet for visitors and players with limited disability. Coaching is available for both beginners and experiences players. We have teams in the Men’s and Ladies New Forest Leagues and also the Bournemouth and District Leagues. We have a licensed bar and modern catering  facilities. For more information visit our website, call us on 01590 670870 or come and see us at The Pavilion, Avenue Road, Lymington, SO41 8LU.

Lymington Choral Society We are a thriving large choir, with a passion for singing the great choral works. We give two main concerts a year, working with professional singers and musicians. We are currently welcoming new tenors, basses and students. There is a waiting list for sopranos and altos. An ability to sight read music is an advantage. If you love classical music and would like to join us, please call Pat on 07776216580. We practise at 7.30 p.m. on Wednesday evenings in St Thomas’ Church, Lymington.

Lymington Fantasy Role Play Group

A new group, created to allow a safe and harmonious environment in which to learn and play various Fantasy (and Science fiction) Role- Playing Games. Mark and Alex ( Father and Son) are running the group. Mark has decades of experience running and playing in many game systems and Alex is experienced with Dungeons and Dragons ( D& D) – Which will be the initial focus.With the surge in awareness around D & D (the movie, Stranger Things, the D & D Adventure Magazine, etc) we are hoping to grow the group and have regular weekly game nights ( 6-10pm) at the Centre.  For further details, please contact Mark and Alex on

Lymington Flower Club

Lymington Flower Club meets at 2pm on the first Monday of the month in the Centre. We offer friendship through flowers with regular demonstrations, workshops and social functions. Come and join us either to watch or perhaps learn a new hobby. Its fun! New members and visitors are most welcome. For further information contact us at

Lymington Gardeners Club

Founded in 1957, our friendly club meets on the second Tuesday of every month from September to May at 2:00 p.m. (with registration from 1:40 p.m.) in the McLellan Hall at the Lymington Community Centre. Do come and join us , new members and visitors are always very welcome. Refreshments are available at the interval which gives us a chance to chat with the speaker, each other and buy plants when they are available. Club membership for the 2024/25 season is £23 per person. Visitors £5 per meeting. If you are interested and would like further details please contact the Chair, Pamela Keen, email: or ‘phone: 01590 626654.

Lymington International Twinning Association

Lymington lnternational Twinning Association Lymington is twinned with towns in France, Germany & Spain. Vitre, in Brittany, has a 13th century castle overlooking the medieval streets. Mosbach, near Heidelberg, is a medieval town located in beautiful countryside. Almansa, near Alicante, is situated at the foot of a limestone crag, surmounted by a Moorish castle. Reciprocal exchanges are arranged very year. It isn’t obligatory to host, or speak a foreign language, to participate. Social events are organised throughout the year & there are monthly conversation groups for French, German & Spanish speakers. Please visit, or contact the Membership Secretary Simon Hacking on 01590 683218 or at       

Lymington Table Tennis Club

A private, friendly, and informal table tennis club, whose players are of average standard, play at Lymington Community Centre every Friday afternoon from 2.30pm until 5pm in the McLellan Hall. New members of average standard are very welcome to come and join us. Moderate fees are payable on the day.  For further information please contact John Stoneman on 01590 676109.

Lymington Town Tours

We take visitors and locals on guided walking tours of Lymington and Milford. All our guides are volunteers and we always welcome new people to train as guides. Contact us through out website

Lymington Town Life Drawing

Lymington Town Life Drawing is a friendly group of artists who meet up fortnightly to draw/paint from a variety of life models.  There is no tuition. The group meets in the Studio, easels and drawing boards provided. Start time 10am, Set up from 9:30am and end time 1pm. 1st 45 minutes are short poses from 20 seconds to 10 minutes. 15 min coffee break in café downstairs. 11am a sustained pose for 2 hours.

Lymington Palette Club

The Lymington Palette Club is 70 years old this year – 70 years which have seen so much change for our world, our town, and our club. We were founded in 1954 to promote the development and improvement of artistic knowledge and skill. We now have around 50 members, displaying skill and originality in their work, and exhibiting locally, nationally and internationally. We meet on the first Tuesday of most months in the LCA, to listen to talks by a wide range of people engaged in the world of contemporary art, and annually hold an exhibition to showcase the talent of our members.

Lymington U3A

Lymington u3a welcomes men and women who are not in full time employment and who meet together to study a wide range of subjects. We currently have over 50 groups all of which are led by members.  We help members to set up new groups to pursue their interests. We hold monthly meetings open to all members and arrange group visits too. For more information, pick up a leaflet from our noticeboard in the Community Centre, search online for ‘Lymington u3a’, or email Why not join us to develop your interests, make new friends and have fun.

New Forest Academy of Dance

NFAD is Lymington’s longest standing dance school providing vibrant, engaging tuition for children aged 2-18. With highly experienced teachers who’s primary focus is the physical & mental wellbeing if all students you can be reassured your dancer or performer will be getting the best education & training! Run by Principal Kayleigh Sargeant, New Forest Academy of Dance is dedicated to offering Dance and Musical Theatre classes to all ages in a fun, positive and inspiring environment. Visit or email for more details. Looking forward to welcoming you to the Studio soon! #proudtobenfad

The Lymington Society

Protecting our Town and the surrounding area for the future

Lymington is one of those special places. A beautiful town with a wonderful Georgian High Street and set in one of the most beautiful parts of the world.The Lymington Society seeks to preserve our wonderful town and raise important local issues. We also organise an interesting and varied season of talks and Social Meetings to enable our members to keep in touch. Why not join the Society to help with this important work and make new friends as well – membership is only £10. Full details of our programme of social events is available on our website. New Members and enquiries from anyone interested in joining are welcome.  – Full details at   Contact the Chair – Don Mackenzie at or 07860 106120

Transition Lymington

Transition Lymington is a group of people taking action to create a more sustainable local environment. We provide opportunities for people to help make a difference in their home and in their community. We meet monthly to share ideas and organise events to get people involved in practical activities. Recent events include Repair Cafes, ‘Jean Genie’ workshops to upcycle old jeans, seedling giveaways, a cycling survey and Home Energy stalls at local events. Everyone is welcome to our meetings and events. Contact  for more information or look us up on Facebook –·  Transition Lymington, Lymington Repair Café, Lymington Jean Genie,  Sowing Seeds in Lymington and Pennington.

Yoga Health Centre

Start the day with yoga. A relaxing, nurturing session that will help you to understand the nature of the mind and needs of the body. Yoga can help to keep you in radiant health by supporting all aspects of the being.

Join as an Affiliate

Affiliation 2024/2025

Local voluntary organisations may affiliate to Lymington Community Association and thus join in and support its work. Affiliation enables the Association to work in co-operation with other local organisations, to bring them together for discussion of topics of common concern, and it permits the Affiliated Organisations to use the Association’s services. The advantages of affiliation also include reductions in charges for photocopying, hiring rooms and equipment, a share in the control of the L.C.A. by a vote at its A.G.M., access to advertising facilities and an entry into the Clubs and Affilate Booklet. 

The affiliation fee is £60.00. Further details are available from the Centre. Affiliation is subject to the Board of Trustees approval.