Support your local charity in the heart of Lymington and sign up to be a Member of the Lymington Community Centre today.
Membership year runs from the 1st September 2024 to 31st August 2025.
As well as the knowledge that you are supporting the best Community Centre in the area you will get lots of great benefits.
To sign up simply complete the form at the bottom of this page or visit us at the Centre.

LCA General Membership
£20 Single Membership or £35 Joint Membership
Joining as a Member of the Community Centre has many benefits. Not only are you supporting the Community Centre, you will also receive many discounts and incentives including discount cinema/theatre tickets, AGM Vote, loyalty card for the Cafe and the ability to purchase add ons as described below.

Friend of the Malt Cinema
£24 per year per person
Do you love coming to the Cinema?
Fancy getting a free Cinema ticket?
Why not join our Friend of the Malt Cinema Membership. Lots of great incentives including discounted tickets for Films, Live Screenings, Adventure Films, Event Cinema and lots more. ONE FREE Ticket when you sign up to use at a film of your choice!
Membership Add Ons

Car Park
£35 per year
Purchase a car parking permit for our private Members only car park in the Centre of Lymington.
(Only available with LCA General Membership, 4 hours at any one time, no guarantee of parking space being available, one parking permit per member).
Please note that your car registration number will be required on purchase.

Lymington Players
£12 per year
We are always looking for new members to come and join the Lymington Players. Whether you fancy treading the boards, helping back stage or just becoming a social member they would love to hear from you.

Lymington Film Society
£30 per year
From October to May each year the Lymington Film Society run a season of films, all of which have been chosen for their subject matter as well as cinematic appeal.
The majority of the films are in a foreign language with English subtitles. Films are shown in the Gates Hall. Membership entitles you a entry into each film.
Sign up now
Join Us Now!
Affiliation 2024/2025
Local voluntary organisations may affiliate to Lymington Community Association and thus join in and support its work. Affiliation enables the Association to work in co-operation with other local organisations, to bring them together for discussion of topics of common concern, and it permits the Affiliated Organisations to use the Association’s services. The advantages of affiliation also include reductions in charges for photocopying, hiring rooms and equipment, a share in the control of the L.C.A. by a vote at its A.G.M., access to advertising facilities and an entry in the roll of affiliated organisations in Make Leisure a Pleasure. Over 90 local organisations are affiliated. The affiliation fee is £60.00. Further details are available from the Centre.