Meet the Trustees

Lymington Community Centre is overseen by a Board of Trustees, who volunteer for Lymington Community Association.

The trustees have the ultimate responsibility for our charities vision, performance and strategy.

They meet regularly to discuss our governance and operations with our Community Centre Manager.  Find out more about the Trustees below. 

Norman Browne

Chair of Trustees / Pre School Governor

Norman moved to Lymington with his family nearly 25 years ago and has been a regular user and supporter of the Centre. Prior to his retirement Norman worked for the County Council managing a team of advisory teachers which specialised in the education of children and adults with a visual impairment.

He is a volunteer projectionist at the cinema. Norman enjoys working on his allotment, playing bridge and sailing.

He is particularly interested in ensuring the accessibility of the Centre for people with disabilities.

Judy Ruffell


Moved to Lymington in 1973. Youngest son attended the play group and Judy helped look after the children and attended numerous classes at the Centre. She volunteers to run the bar and occasionally Tidal Boutique and the café.  She has been Secretary to the Contessa 32 class for 10 years during which time she raced in the class inshore and offshore. Member of the Royal Lymington Yacht Club, on the general committee for four years from 2004, when she chaired a communication subcommittee to see how communication could be improved. Editor of the Potter Ship Magazine, an annual production which included reports and articles for over 17 years.

Lesley Dawson


Lesley went to university and obtained a degree in accounting but chose not to follow that path in her career. She lived in the U.S.A. until 1985 when she returned to the UK. She owned a restaurant in York for 2 years but sold when the recession hit. Following this she started a career in sales working for Shell UK, progressing through the ranks to a Sales Director. She left York and moved to Lymington for a new start, volunteering at many places in town pre-pandemic including Oakhaven, the Hospital, plus St Barbes Museum, where she still volunteers. Finally the Community Centre where she volunteers in the Cinema and this is where her heart is and always will be.

Lucie- Jayne Lewis


Lucie-Jane established her own Design Studio in Central London after studying Graphic Design. She and her team worked on corporate identities, publicity and advertising for a road-based range of clients. She moved to the New Forest with her husband in 1985 where they ran a livery for over 25 years in Sway. She has been involved in planning and housing projects locally and for over 20 years she has been further involved in the local area by Charity the local fund-raising Committee for Naomi House, Children’s Hospice and for the Fortune Centre of Riding Therapy. She was awarded an MBE for her work in the area in 2011.

Jayne Tabor


Jayne moved to Lymington with her family in 1995; over the years they have all enjoyed the many benefits of living in the area, including the Community Centre. Following an initial career in retail, she pursued a long career in Practice Management, managing 4 GP practices (not all at the same time!).

She is now retired and enjoys time with her grandchildren, walking and gardening. Having become a volunteer at the Centre, mainly in the Malt Bar, she is keen to see the Centre thrive.

Jeremy Caldwell


Jeremy has lived in the area all his life. Dibden Purlieu, Beaulieu, Barton on Sea , Milford on Sea , Lymington, and now resides at Everton. His mother was very involved with the community centre providing speech therapy classes and very involved with the Lymington Players, and he visited many times as a small boy!  He started his working life in Hotel and Catering firstly at the Beaulieu Motor Museum then running the family-owned small hotel and restaurant before Joining Jackson and Jackson Estate agents in 1984.  He and his brother set up Caldwells in 1996 where he has been ever since. He is married with 4 children and his wife works in the legal profession.  He is currently Vice Chairman of Oakhaven Hospice where he has been for 12 years.   When not working he tries to get out on the water belonging to the RLYC and Keyhaven sailing club.

Alan Penson


Since graduating with a degree in civil engineering Alan has worked as a contractor and a consultant in the construction industry.  He specialised in the design and construction of a wide range of building projects and became a director and managing director of several major building companies.

Since moving to Lymington in 2008 Alan has been a town counsellor for the past 14 years and has also been a district counsellor. He was a trustee of New Forest CAB for 6 years and honorary treasurer for much of that time.

Alan has assisted with the building projects undertaken as part of the major upgrading of the Lymington Centre since 2018.

Having sold his boat Alan now confesses to only sailing where it is a lot warmer than the Solent.

Caite Healy


Become a Volunteer

Many of our events are run by volunteers and without these volunteers, events simply would not happen.

If you are interested in volunteering to make these events possible please click on the link below. 

Make A Donation

Would you like to make a donation to the Lymington Community Centre.

Donations help to keep the Community Centre running. Every penny really does help. To donate simply click on the link below.